Latex support

As we seem to have a high percentage of math nerds here it’s only a matter of time until we start trying to type mathy things. Subscripts are already starting to happen in the riddles section. Latex would make this easier on the eyes.

Not sure how hard this would be to add. If this site is running discourse there seems to be a latex plugin already made.

Installed :smiley:



Thanks :smile:

Is there anything we gotta do on our end? It’s not rendering in either firefox or chromium for me

Yeah doesn’t seem to work… Haha. I’ll try to fix it when I’m free in a few hours.

:heart: no rush

Allegedly it’s disabled by default even after installing, iunno if that helps.

Yep thats right. I forgot to enable it. :sweat_smile:

1 Like

Here we go!



\LaTeX doesn’t seem to work in details tags :cry:. Any advice?

Found this discussion (haven’t read it but maybe something is in there?)

I changed the latex renderer as suggested in the thread. It seems to have fixed the problem. :+1: