I made this forum to discuss random intellectual things (and whatever else). Now that I’m out of college and in different states from all of my most inquisitive friends, I’m starved of interesting thought and my brain is withering away. Maybe you feel the same way.
So, this forum is a correspondence. The forum format is more structured than texting and hopefully less frustrating than email. I don’t foresee wide adoption (to say the least), but some place to post my thoughts and bug people until they read them is enough.
The name of the forum is a homage to the math and computer science building at Colby College, home of many sleepless nights. New Davis was one of our dorm rooms filled with math. I hope New New Davis can be at least a small reincarnation of that community.
Post ideas, papers, problems, thoughts. You are all welcome to invite anyone you’d like. And if you have any suggestions about the website itself, let me know.