Look at this website. The content is strange, and there may be some valid concern about my descent into mad corners of the internet. Don’t mind that.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a navbar which has links to other parts of the website. But look closely. Try to use it.
It’s not a set of links. It’s a picture!!
Look at the other pages. The navbars are all different pictures!!!
So why?!? It is much easier to make the navbar in html than it is to make them pictures. In fact, if you wanted to make them pictures, you would almost certainly want to make it in html first and screenshot it.
Is it intentional? What message is it meant to convey? Simply confusion?
Or it is unintentional, terrible design? (much like the rest of the website). But how?? How would you even create these pictures, microsoft paint?? And how could you think that this was the right way to do it?
The website has an article reporting the death of the webmaster, so the secrets of the navbar may be forever lost to time.