I was given a riddle in topology. For increased interest, it is clumsily reset in a prison.
There is a prison run by a crazed and tyrannical warden who plays increasingly complicates games with the prisoners’ souls. The prisoners, of course, have been trying to figure out some way of getting out for years. It started simple with ideas like digging a tunnel, but each simple idea spawned a dozen problems. Every solution brings even more… The problems have become increasingly abstract, and at this point the prisoners have developed a full mathematical theory of the problem of escape.
A brilliant prisoner has just released a new proof proving the ultimate problem of escape is homeomorphic to a new, possibly accessible problem. Reaction among the prisoners is muted, as few understand even the statement of the problem…
Define a homeomorphism group which represents the concept of “truth”. What is the space and what is the topology?
How do they escape?