Piggybacking off of Nick’s 3D Cube Game here. Two prisoners are playing a game on a rectangular prism of dimension 101×100×99. This prism is made entirely out of unit cubes. The game starts with the bottom, front, right, cube selected. There are two players who take turns selecting cubes. Which ever player takes the top, back, left cube will have their opponents sentence added to theirs while their opponent gets to go free.
On their turn a player must select a new cube which is up to 2 units away in all dimension so long as they are not moving away from the final cube in any one of the dimensions. For instance: if the initial cube is (1,1,1) then (1,2,3) (1,3,3) (3,3,3) (1,1,2) would all be legal moves while if you had the cube (7,10,11) selected (6,10,11) would not be legal as the first dimension moved away from the terminal cube.
Should a prisoner opt to go first or second?
What if the prism is x×y×z units?
What if you are allowed to move up to k units away in any dimension?